
High Definition Brows

What’s new with beauty? Well my current favourite technique for that ‘always on’ look is Brow Lamination at Rossano Ferretti salon. This high brow technique is basically a perm for your brows, as it gives them a set, uniform shape for an extended period of time. Instead of curls, a setting lotion helps your browhair stay brushed up and lifted upward for about six weeks. It’s the perfect treatment for those who have unruly, uneven or coarse brows and are looking for a more defined shape. However, be warned, it’s worth doing a patch test first as those who are prone to breakouts or have eczema need to check as chemicals used could lead to further irritation.

The first is brushed through eyebrow hairs to make them softer and more malleable, and is left on for twenty minutes. Next, the brows are brushed into the desired position and a ‘laminating’ solution is applied, to keep the strands in place. I also had mine tinted to help darken even the baby hairs in and around the shape. Lamination will straighten your eyebrow hairs and encourage them to grow in the same direction but you’ll still need to comb them up for the full feathery brow effect. Finish with some clear brow gel or serum and you’re good to go every morning.

It is NOT microblading, microblading is a way of semi-permanent make-up that can last 12 months. I much prefer brow lamination as it’s a great way to have fullness without the downtime. Here’s the recap below… don’t worry, after day 1, your eyebrows look a lot more natural and aren’t as intensely upright.

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