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Rossano Ferretti: The Master of The Method Cut

Rossano Ferretti is famous for the invisible haircut, the haircut with natural fall in movement… The METHOD Cut.

I’ve never been that particular about my hair, in fact it stayed up in a bun or ponytail  for the majority of my youth. Long hair was always prized and my hair was very long and think. Rebellions were often in terms of colour rather than cut, but I’ve learned to love my hair. Never more so than since finding a hairdresser who really knew what to do with it. It’s long, think, but I’ve got a short forehead so absolutely NO fringes, but it falls far too far forward and I looked like Morticia Adams with a centre parting according to mum.

Our Method was born out of the dissatisfaction, of myself and my sister Lorenza, with everything stereotyped and artificial that stood for beautiful hair. We wanted to enhance every woman’s unique beauty, speaking a language of elegance, naturalness and uniqueness. By hard work and passion, we succeeded in becoming the spokespersons of natural, personalised beauty, creating a revolution in the way of bringing to life, understanding, and communicating beauty. We told women, “Enjoy your hair!” – in harmony with yourself. Our Method is the way we relate to the profession. It allows us to innovate without ignoring the past, like a robust weave whose threads leave its interpreters leeway for freedom of expression.” Rossano Ferretti.

Having tried the salon on a press launch, it was immediately that I felt lighter, thinner hair yet with more movement and started to wear it down more comfortably. It was still long mind you, but I’ve always been put off shorter hair for fear of looking like a lampshade with my thickness. So it was one bold morning where I finally told Christina at Rossano Ferretti I was ready to see a different shape.

What I try to do most with my students is to develop a new sensibility together with them, one that is bolder, that involves developing one’s senses. And so I work on touch, sight, and the body. How come? For the simple reason that hair is a malleable material, a living thing; it has its own life and if we learn to observe it, understand and interpret it, it follows us obligingly, without becoming unruly. Which is why, every time a haircut is spoken of, I urge them to think that a cut should resemble as much as possible a work of art and not a mathematical calculation. Our training not only teaches the haircut, but educates the eyes and heart to recognize the light of beauty. Because genuine fascination shuns any beauty-code: it lies in the self-confidence of those who choose to be themselves.” Lorenza Ferretti, Artistic Director.

I’m sold. Short hair don’t care and my only worry now is having to slick it back for the gym, but I can finally wear my hair as a feature, rather than hating it for hiding them.

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