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Motion Fitness


Testing Out: Tabata at Motion Fitness

You’ve probably heard the word thrown around and if you’re like me, you’ve assumed rather incorrectly that it was a form of either yoga, meditation or some sort of martial arts. Little did I know walking into one of Motion Fitness‘s classes last week, Tabata is actually a HIIT workout.

Discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and his team from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo. It all started as a science experiment with two groups of athletes. The first group trained at a moderate intensity level, while the second group trained at a high-intensity level. The moderate intensity group worked out five days a week for a total of six weeks; each workout lasted one hour. The high-intensity group worked out four days a week for six weeks; each workout lasted four minutes and 20 seconds (with 10 seconds of rest in between each set).
Tabata at Motion Fitness
The results; Group 1 had increased their aerobic system (cardiovascular), but showed little or no results for their anaerobic system (muscle). Group 2 showed much more increase in their aerobic system than Group 1, and increased their anaerobic system by 28%! So all in all, soup two faired much better out of their seemingly smaller workouts.

I can vouch for the intensity level completely, what started as a normal kettle bell class turned into a sweaty circuit course that was honestly exhausting. From burpees to lunges, squat jumps and of course weights, it kept us moving and yet also gave us a bit of a break too, so naturally, i’m now hooked!


Testing Out: Booty Barre

Because… why not have a bit of fun when you’re at the barre? Motion Fitness in Jumeirah has a great new class that’ll get you moving, without feeling like you’re under too much strain. By no means does this mean it’s an easy class though, don’t get me wrong… there’s muscles in your legs you never knew existed, even if you work out regularly. Bootybarre at Motion Fitness

Bootybarre is a fun, energetic, workout that fuses a variety of stretching, balancing and power techniques from dance, pilates and of course yoga that are said to tone and define the whole body. It’s a combination of strength and flexibility with an added cardiovascular element too. Your muscles will see minute but targeted activity with added resistance using the barre, weights, bands and the exercise balls too. Bootybarre at Motion Fitness


Testing Out: TRX

So i’m bored of my normal daily fitness routine… I joined one of the gym apps this year as part of my fit plan for Jan and i’m having fun trying out some new studios. Motion Fitness is just across from the Burj al Arab, so it’s really easy to get to, and you won’t have to fight for parking either.

Designed as a home away from home, this villa is setup with various rooms and studios to become a one-stop-shop for women looking for a workout. They’ve got a whole host of different classes you can try out too, so I jumped in to one of their TRX classes in their upstairs studio.

I hadn’t really taken a TRX class before so it was nice to be guided through the setup, and my god we were put through our paces in there. But why is TRX such a great way to workout?

If you’re a fan of circuits (i’m not really), it’ll help you reduce the time spent pacing from one training station to another if you want to train different parts of the body. As well as the obvious time benefits (we only get an hour to exercise in our busy schedules don’t you know), you’ll feel it the next day as it works muscles you had totally forgotten about…

Your core is challenged in every exercise and that means more than just your abs! We’re talking pelvis, shoulders, back and chest muscles, it engages the whole body. There’s an instability in the swinging suspension system of the TRX that means you have to keep your core tight at all times, as your body is using the TRX to help keep you stable. You’ll also work more than one or two muscles as a jump squat involves you pulling/pushing on the TRX too.

Rather than buying one and pretending to use it at home, i’d rather pop in here weekly for a class.