
Under the Laser

If you’re not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal is a great option nowadays. It beams highly concentrated light into the hair follicles, the pigment in the follicles absorb the light and that destroys the hair.

Lasers are great for removing unwanted hair from pretty much everywhere nowadays, like the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line and plenty of other areas. The great thing with laser hair removal is its precision. Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. Quick note though, you should try avoid sun exposure for around six weeks after treatment.

I spoke with Nagla Momtaz, the Laser Therapist at the Dermalase Clinic, Jumeirah about their unique machine and technique.

1. Tell us about your background in cosmetic beauty

I have been working in this field for over ten years now. Cosmetic beauty has advanced when we talk about latest technology and techniques being used. As part of my work, I’m constantly updating my knowledge as we advance in order to provide my clients with the result they desire.

2. Can you talk us through the USP’s of this unique new hair removal system 

Soprano is the latest generation of laser hair removal system virtually painless and very effective. It combines 3 laser wavelengths into a single innovative hand piece targeting different tissue depths and allows to treat the widest range of skin and hair types.

3. Would you recommend it over other methods of hair removal?

Yes, I would highly recommend this method for it’s unique technique that can provide great results for different skin and hair types. It is the only FDA approved machine for tan skin and suitable for fine hair as well.

4. Who benefits most from this type of system?

Patients with sensitive or tanned skin can surely benefit from this treatment. Soprano is safe and clinically proven method of laser hair removal that is virtually painless and effective for all areas of the body for both men and women.

5. How many times do you need to do laser hair removal to see a difference?

It may vary depending on the patient’s skin color, hair type and the area being treated. Usually you start seeing the difference in the first session itself but it takes 6 to 7 sessions for good results.

6. How long do you have to wait in between laser hair removal treatments?

In the initial sessions you have to wait for 4 weeks in between sessions and gradually the gap between sessions will be longer.

7. Does laser hair removal last permanently?

Yes, with this new system patients can expect good hair reduction results.

8. How painful is laser hair removal really?

It is virtually painless. Soprano’s unique technique effectively damages the hair follicle while preventing injury and pain to the surrounding tissue. At the same time it cools the skin surface, preventing superficial burns and the sensation of pain.

9. What should you not do before your laser hair removal session?

Avoid any hair removal method that involves pulling the roots like waxing and threading.


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